🌻 Personal Development
🧘 Psychology
Published Books
The Major Political Writings of Jean-Jacques RousseauThe Social ContractOn the Social ContractEmileCROWD PSYCHOLOGY: Understanding the Phenomenon and Its Causes (10 Books in One Volume)The Social Contract and DiscoursesEmilius; or, A treatise of education. Translated from the French, etcFrench Classics - Boxed Set: 100+ Novels, Short Stories, Poems, Plays & Philosophical BooksOf the Social Contract, Or, Principles of Political Right & Discourse on Political EconomyEl Contrato Social / The Social ContractDiscourse on the Origins of Inequality (second Discourse) ; Polemics ; And, Political EconomyA Discourse Upon the Origin of InequalityOn the Origin of InequalityDiscourse on the Origin of Inequality (100 Copy Collector's Edition)Discourse on InequalityA Discourse Upon the Origin and Foundation of the Inequality Among MankindThe Phenomenon and Causes of Crowd Psychology (The Complete Ten-Book Collection)Essay on the Origin of Languages and Writings Related to Music
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