
Let go of numbing and powerlessness from "summary" of The Gifts of Imperfection by Breň Brown

Numbing and powerlessness are two coping mechanisms that many of us use to deal with difficult emotions and situations. Numbing involves trying to avoid or suppress our feelings by engaging in behaviors like overeating, overspending, or excessive use of alcohol or drugs. Powerlessness, on the other hand, is the sense that we are not in control of our lives and that we are at the mercy of external forces. Both numbing and powerlessness can prevent us from fully experiencing our lives and connecting with others in a meaningful way. They can also keep us from addressing the underlying issues that are causing our pain and discomfort. In order to live wholeheartedly and embrace our imperfections, we must learn to let go of these coping mechanisms a...
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    The Gifts of Imperfection

    Breň Brown

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