
Take risks to expand your potential from "summary" of Mindset by Carol Dweck

In the fixed mindset, the idea of taking risks can be terrifying. Why go through the possibility of failure when you can stick with what you know you're good at? But what if I told you that by taking risks, you actually open up the potential for growth and development in ways you never thought possible?When you step outside your comfort zone and take risks, you are challenging yourself to push beyond your current limits. This act of courage and bravery is what propels you forward and allows you to tap into your true potential. It's like flexing a muscle that you never even knew you had - the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. By taking risks, you are not only expanding your skills and knowledge but also your mindset. You start to see obstacles as opportunities for growth rather than roadblocks to your suc...
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    Carol Dweck

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