
Embrace complexity and ambiguity from "summary" of Impact! by Nancy D. Solomon

To truly embrace complexity and ambiguity means to be comfortable with the unknown, to resist the temptation to simplify or categorize in order to make sense of the world. It requires a willingness to navigate the gray areas, to adapt and adjust as new information emerges. In the fast-paced, ever-changing landscape of business, the ability to embrace complexity and ambiguity is a valuable skill that can lead to innovative solutions and competitive advantage. Simplicity can be deceiving. It may provide a sense of security and clarity, but it often oversimplifies reality. In reality, the world is messy and unpredictable. Embracing complexity and ambiguity means acknowledging and accepting this messiness, rather than trying to force it into neat, tidy boxes. It means being open to multiple perspectives and interpretations, recognizing that there is rarely a simple answer to a complex problem. Clarity is important, but it should not come at the expense of depth and nuance. Embracing complexity and ambiguity requires a willingness to sit with discomfort, to grapple with conflicting ideas and conflicting information. It means being comfortable with uncertainty, with not having all the answers. This can be challenging, especially in a culture that values quick fixes and easy solutions. However, it is precisely this willingness to embrace complexity and ambiguity that can lead to breakthrough insights ...
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    Nancy D. Solomon

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