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Say no to debt to achieve financial freedom from "summary" of The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

Debt is a thief. It steals away your hard-earned money and your financial freedom. When you owe someone money, you are essentially giving them control over your future. Debt ties you down, limits your options, and keeps you from reaching your full potential. It is a burden that weighs you down and prevents you from living the life you truly desire. Many people believe that debt is a normal part of life, that everyone has debt and it's just something you have to live with. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Debt is a choice. It is a choice to spend money you don't have, to live beyond your means, and to sacrifice your future for temporary pleasures. It is a choice to let someone else dictate how you spend your money and how you live your life. To achieve financial freedom, you must say no to debt. You must make a conscious decision to live a debt-free life, to take control of your finances, and to prioritize your long-term goals over short-te...
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    The Total Money Makeover

    Dave Ramsey

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