
Cultivate intuition and trust from "summary" of The Gifts of Imperfection by Breň Brown

To cultivate intuition and trust means to recognize and honor the inner voice that guides us, even when it goes against logic or reason. It's about tuning in to our gut feelings, instincts, and emotions, and learning to trust them as valuable sources of wisdom and guidance. Intuition is not something that can be easily explained or rationalized; it's a deep knowing that comes from within, often without a clear explanation. It's that feeling in your gut that tells you something is off, or that sense of certainty that you're on the right path. Trusting our intuition means believing in ourselves and our ability to make good decisions, even when they may not make sense to others. In a world that values logic and reason above all else, cultivating intuition can be a radical act of self-compassion and self-trust. It means acknowledging that we are more than just our thoughts an...
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    The Gifts of Imperfection

    Breň Brown

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