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Invest in options with high upside potential from "summary" of Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

When considering investment options, it is crucial to focus on those with the potential for significant upside. This means seeking out opportunities that have the ability to deliver substantial returns, far beyond what is typically expected. By concentrating on options with high upside potential, investors can position themselves to benefit from unexpected and advantageous outcomes. These opportunities may arise from a variety of sources, including technological advancements, market disruptions, or other unforeseen events. Investing in options with high upside potential is not without risk. These opportunities often come with a degree of uncertainty and volatility, which can make some investors uncomfortable. However, it is precisely this uncertainty that can lead to outsized gains. By embracing the unpredictability of these options, investors can position themselves to reap t...
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    Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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