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You are not your thoughts; you are the awareness behind them from "summary" of The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Thoughts come and go in our minds like clouds passing through the sky. They can be positive or negative, happy or sad, but they are not who we are. We tend to identify with our thoughts, believing that they define us and shape our reality. However, this is not the truth. Behind every thought, there is a silent observer - the awareness that is beyond the realm of thinking. This awareness is our true nature, our essence that exists beyond the realm of the mind. It is the space in which thoughts arise and dissolve, but it is not affected by them. When we become conscious of this awareness, we start to disidentify from our thoughts. We realize that we are not the thinker but the one who is aware of the thoughts. This realiza...
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    The Power of Now

    Eckhart Tolle

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