
How Not To Be a Boy

🧠 Emotional Intelligence

🌻 Personal Development

🧘 Psychology

Summary of How Not To Be a Boy

In How Not To Be a Boy, Robert Webb recounts his life growing up in England and the internal struggles he faced in an effort to fit in and conform to traditional male stereotypes. Webb reflects on his relationships with his father, his brother, and his friends, and how he was taught to suppress his emotions and bottle up his feelings in order to be accepted. He also talks about how his emotions were often misinterpreted, leading to bullying and other issues. The book explores the idea that society’s expectations of men are often damaging and restrictive and encourages men to challenge traditional gender roles. Webb sheds light on his own personal experiences and how he overcame them, offering an honest, humorous, and often insightful look into the world of masculinity.

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